Organic Liquid Fertilizer for Hydroponics

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AGRI-QATAR Organic Liquid Fertilizer for Hydroponics

MITRAS supply AGRI-QATAR All-purpose Organic Liquid Fertilizer for Indoor & outdoor.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil by using nutrient solutions. Since without soil, each of the essential elements for plant growth must be supplemented to the liquid solution. AGRI – QATAR Organic Liquid fertilizers for Hydroponics contain major plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) Micronutrients and minerals, such as zinc and iron essential for plant growth.

How to Use -
» Agri-Qatar Organic Liquid Fertilizer is 100% liquid and organic Fertilizer and enables application of liquid fertilizer directly to Hydroponic cultivation through drip irrigation methods, after Greenhouse preparation plant has been made by Agri-Qatar Liquid Fertilizer. Plants, which have been treated by Agri-Qatar Organic Liquid Fertilizer displays faster and more efficient production increasing, since they have taken their required food materials from the roots directly.
» Agri-Qatar Organic Liquid Fertilizer can be applied conveniently in the greenhouses by mixing the proper dose and water according to the types of the plants, where drip irrigation methods are used.
» Agri-Qatar Organic Liquid Fertilizer is well Balanced Nutrient, controlled pH & Low EC Help Your Hydroponic Plants to get vigorous growth and yield. you can gain 100% organic product from your greens.

Where to Use-
Hydroponic Application.

How Often to Use -
Every day.

Guarantee -
100% Organic, Weeds Free & Heat Treated

Coverage Area, Dosage & Application-
Drip Irrigation - 1 Liter of Liquid Fertilizer Mixed with 5 Liters (3 times/Day)
